Sunday, November 18, 2012

Rooftop Prince

Assalamualaikum... Annyeong...

Hari nie berebut lappy dgn kanak2 ribena neh... Dua2 nak main game... berebut lg sesama dorang sapa main game dulu... Si adik bukan tau pon apa nak tekan... Puas pujuk kakak suh bg tuition dulu kat adik.. kot x karang, jahanam ler lappy I... Dah ler lappy free... Kn la jaga betul2... Byk jasanya lappy ku ini...

Bila adik da terer, br lepaskan dia main game sendiri... Xper... Drjh 1 nnt sure dpt jwb soklan periksa science subject pasal on/off komputer..

Expert sudaahh... Xder chance ler mama nak lyn lelama laptop pas neh.. haizzz...

Hari nie kita review drama Rooftop Prince erk... Ada request from London laaa... hehehee... Drama neh pon baru2 nie jer dpt tgk.. Early October... Mari tgk Rooftop Prince punya biodata...:D

Title: Rooftop Prince / Attic Prince
Genre: Fantasy, comedy
Episodes: 20
Director: Shin Yoon Sub
Screenwriter: Lee Hee Myung
Broadcast network: SBS
Broadcast period: 2012-Mar-21 to 2012-Mar-24

Haaa.. ini baru pengenalannyaaa... Seriously, citer neh ramai pelakon yg penting2 means walaupon supporting, tp keberadaan mereka didlm drama neh, amatlah diperlukan.. cewahhh... :D

Now, the synopsis... my style... nak follow synopsis skema dlm korean drama web, x syok plak, kan... 

Rooftop Prince nie citer tentang a prince together with his commander that travel from Joseon era to current Seoul 2012... Ini disebabkan satu incident yg terjadi ms tu.. Prince tu   punya fiance mati tetiba.. so, prince ngan commander dia cr hint laa kenapa bley mati princess tu... 

At the same time, kat US ada la mamat neh rupa sejibik prince tu,Yong Tae Yong.. Anak org kaya yg suka melukis... One day, die terjumpa sorg pompuan jual buah, Park Ha n tertarik then lukis la gamba pompuan tu... kebetulan cousin dia, Yong Tae Moo dtg dr korea nak pujuk dia blk korea tp dia x nak... Dorg lepak kat bar, Tae-yong tu ngorat pompuan jual buah td yg kebetulan wat part time kat bar tu ajak dating esok harinya... tp, Tae-yong tu x dtg pon... Ada berlaku incident x best menyebabkan Tae-yong tu mati... Dats why la, prince td tu ley terjun masuk dlm rooftop umah heroin which is pompuan jual buah td yg urgently blk korea sbb nak jumpa bapak kandung dia.. unfortunately, terlmbt coz bapak dia mati on the same day.. sob.. sob... Okeh peningkan.. hahhaaa... sila la tgk yer drama nie... :D

Nie ler main cast citer neh... Prince, Park Ha ngan commander 3 org kat blkg tu...

Prince dgn flower boy dia da ditakdirkan jatuh lam umah Park Ha tu... sbb ada hubung kait antara zaman silam dgn zaman skrg.. selain dr paras rupa yg sama, conflict dia pon lebey kurg sama jgk... 

Nie scene ms dorg tetiba muncul kat hall rumah Park Ha

Then, Pak Ha nie izinkan laaa dorg nie duk umah dia... After a few incidents, dorg discover yg muka Prince tu dgn Yong Tae-yong serupa... Kerana percaya dia dilahirkan blk sbgi Yong Tae-yong, Prince decide menyamar sbgi Tae-yong utk sisasat a few things yg dia rs ada kaitan dgn diri dia... Org bkn Islam kan percaya reincarnation or rebirth...

Yg kat atas nie smer watak2 baik.. meh tgk watak2 puaka.. hehehee..

Yg pompuan neh kakak tiri Park Ha, Hong Se Na nama diberi... Dia nie mmg evil laaa... Dia nie muka sejibik dgn prince punya fiance yg  mati tetiba tuh...Tu pasal bila prince tgk Se Na nie dia ingat tu tunang dia... 
Yg jate bloh kiri tuh, penjahat jgk... cousin Yong Tae-yong a.k.a boyfren Se Na... Memula tgk, pelik gak apa relation Yong Tae-moo nie dlm citer neh.. tp, kalo korg nak tau, kn tgk last ep sbb jawapan ada dlm last ep... hampehkan.. penin pikir....
Dgn adanya watak Se Na dgn Tae-moo neh, mewarnakan conflict citer neh yg mmg suh kita fikir n predict what actually happen ms zaman Joseon n zaman skrg...


Overall, I really enjoyed this drama... this drama make me laugh, cry and fall in love with the characters.... It never had a dull moment and sgt ceria throughout the drama... I believe the actors and actresses mmg well blended dgn their character... 

Apart from romantic, comedy and happy moment, there are still few scenes that touched my hearts... especially when they finally realized that they will get separated anytime because of their situation, the fact that they are not from the same era... Sedey wooo...

I paling suka the prince commanders tu... because those three warriors are so fun to watch while they are trying to adapt in this new world... bila da blk Joseon era, dorg mmg lg sengal ubi... 

Nie a few scenes yg I suka..

Scene nie mmg lawak gilerrr... Rugi korang x tgk.. xmo citer lebey2, nnt  x surprise...

Nie ler rooftop house tu... Nie yg da siap renovate.. kenapa renovate??? Korg kn tgk... Gilerrr cool!!!

Dorg berdua nie suka dating kat bwh pokok neh.. so sweet.. and ada gak scene sedey kat sini especially ms prince kejap2 ilang kejap2 ada.. huhuuu...

Nie Omurice.. Kalo org Mesia panggil Nasik Goreng Pattaya... hehhee... Omurice nie pengikat antara Prince dgn commander with Park Ha... Dr Seoul 2012 ke Joseon era, Omurice sentiasa dihati.. 

Score: 9/10.. highly recommended... Mng byk award nie... :D

Until next review... 

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