Assalamualaikum... Annyeong-haseyo... How's everybody??? We're doing fine here... Cewahhh.. gaya ckp mcm da pindah duk Korea plak... huhuu.. semoga 1 hari nnt kami dpt jgk jenjalan kat Korea.. Amin...
Today, xder xtvt yg ganaz2 sgt kecuali nak pi workshop repair tingkap kereta yg da tertonggeng smlm.... Ada la ms nak update blog... Kdorama pilihan hari nie ialah.... A Gentleman's Dignity!!!! Wuhuuu....
Title : A Gentleman’s Dignity
Genre : Romance, comedy
Episode : 20
Director : Shin Woo Chul
Scriptwriter : Kim Eun Sook (Secret Garden, Lovers In Paris)
Broadcast station : SBS
Broadcast time : 2012-May-26 to 2012-Aug-12
Episode : 20
Director : Shin Woo Chul
Scriptwriter : Kim Eun Sook (Secret Garden, Lovers In Paris)
Broadcast station : SBS
Broadcast time : 2012-May-26 to 2012-Aug-12
Ini la oppa2 Gangnam... sgt stylo... :D
Ini noona2 Gangnam.. Eh.. ada satu dongsaeng..
Drama nie about four professional men in mid 30s and early 40s , their career, success, friendship, breakup and love. Nie mcm drama Boys Over Flower versi senja laaa.. :D...They are BFF since high skool... Each of them ada gud career, duit berguni n love affair yg unic... Bkn gay tp masing2 ada cerita cinta yg tersendiri... Basically, ada 4 couples dlm drama nie...
Kim Do Jin & Seo Yi Soo..
Im Tae San & Hong Se Ra..
Choi Yoon & Im Mae A Ri..
Lee Jung Rok & Park Min Sook..
Kecikkan gambo neh.. xper.. nnt kita review one by one.. Nie ler main cast dgn pasangan masing2... Yg ujung blah kiri tu, xder pasangan kan... Nnt I bgtau siapa dia...
Jang Dong Gun as Kim Do Jin who I think he's so charming in a unique way... Kim Do Jin nie mempunyai mulut yg x diinsurankan... Dia nie CEO of an architect company yg dia share dgn Im Tae San... Dia handsome, byk duit tp x pernah ada serious love affair dgn sesapa.. Die ckp xmo kawen sbb dia kedekut, x nak share duit dia dgn sesapa n x ready nak ada full commitment... Until, one day dia jumpa Seo Yi Soo yg wat dia declare yg dia terkena one sided love syndrome..
Kim Ha Neul as his lover, Seo Yi Soo, a 36-year-old ethics teacher in high school who at first secretly in love with Do Jin's bestfriend, Im Tae San... Seo Yi Soo nie minat baseball dan dia jd Umpire for an amateur baseball team... Dia suka Im Tae San dah lama tp one sided jgk laa... Tp, bila jumpa Kim Do Jin, Seo Yi Soo kalah, and she gets nervous by that... This couple was adorable, sgt cumill and so sweettt with their lovey dovey moments, and wat I ketawa n sedey with their fights and arguments.
This Kim Do Jin ~ Seo Yi Soo couple is the main couple, who has the most focused, so we see more of them in the drama....
Im Tae San played by Kim Soo Ro. He is described as the perfect guy loved by women and he dated Hong Se Ra, Seo Yi Soo's roommate, played by Yoon Se Ah. He is the co-CEO of the architecture company that he shared with Kim Do Jin and also an architect. Im Tae San ni kelakar and is an amazing brother to Im Mae A Ri and a gud boyfriend too... Hong Se Ra plak mcm bitch sket, tp dia sgt focus dgn apa yg dia nak especially since she's a pro golfer... Dia x percaya pd marriage, tu sbb Im Tae San ajak kawen, dia selamba jer tolak..... This couple has a lot of ups and downs, kejap clash pastu baik blk... Until one day both of them heard that Yi Soo likes Im Tae San... Jeng.. jeng.. jeng...
This Im Tae San ~ Hong Se Ra couple is the 2nd main couple... Couple yg asik gaduh2 jer...
Kim Min Jong acted as Choi Yoon, a lawyer and a very loyal husband to his dead wife too.. Still leaving with his ex-MIL until one day kena halau kluar.. bkn kena halau laa.. tp his MIL suh dia bina hidup baru... Im Mea A Ri plak, adik Im Tae San has a crush on him... Pasangan ni sgt comel sbb gap umur yg jauh especially Im Mae A Ri yg br 24yrs old... Im Tae San x approved dorg nie so couple nie mmg sgt controversi laa...
This Choi Yoon ~ Im Mae A Ri couple mmg couple yg plg comel...
Lee Jong Hyuk as Lee Jung Rok, a married-playboy whose wife is the owner of Gangnam street... smer building kat one of Gangnam street tu wife dia punya... Owner of a coffee shop tmpt diorg nie lepak2. After his marriage he still enjoys alcohol, girls and gambling so his wife Min Sook wanted to file a divorce... Sethn 80x mintak cerai... hahhaaa... Park Min Sook is a 44 years old career woman and works in real estate and leasing service kat Gangnam.... Park Min Sook nie goddess of money and she thinks that money works for everything.... tp, money bkn bley beli cinta Jung Rok yg playboy and lg pon dorg xder anak... This couple, how they make you ketawa and nanges, and make you feel bad for one another... Suka couple nie...
This Lee Jung Rok ~ Park Min Sook couple mmg couple yg plg klakar...
And last sekali Lee Jong Hyun as Collin... Collin nie sm2 smpi kat Korea from US dgn Im Mae A Ri.. dorg satu flight... ini org sgt Americannnn... Collin dtg Korea sbb nak cr his biological father.. and it's one the F4 yg tua itu.. hehehee..
Collin tgh nyanyi lagu 'My Love', OST of this drama.. Nice song..
So overall, as you can tell, I enjoyed this drama thoroughly and mmg highly recommended utk kdorama lover.. Drama nie byk signature scenes... Jom tgk antaranya...
Scene nie mmg kelakar n hati pon berdebar gitu... kakakkaaa....
Scene nie sgt sweet... Each time Kim Do Jin jumpa Seo Yi Soo pd early episode, mesti dia berangan cenggini...
Nie scene cherry blossom kiss... omo.. omo.. cantik sgt scenery dia.. Aigoo.. bila la nak pi sini...
Nie scene Kim Do Jin & Seo Yi Soo first time jumpa dlm versi cartoon...
Love at the first sight...
Dua scene diatas mmg akan kerap dilihat... always at the same spot...
Scene time Kim Do Jin tgh buat small bar utk Hong Se Ra... as her housemate, Yi Soo la kn tolong sbb nie surprise gift from Im Tae San...
They also had a lot of cameos,.. but yg plg best mestila CN Blue's Yong Hwa and Soo Young of SNSD..
Sgt kelakar bila Kim Do Jin jeles kat Yong Hwa..
Choi Yoon rupanya die hard fan SNSD especially Soo Young..
One of my personal reason why I watch this drama is the main casts... Jang Dong-gun and Kim Ha Neul... Pernah tgk Kim Ha Neul dlm filem You're My Pet and no doubt she is one of Korea's most popular actress. As for Jang Dong Gun plak, this is comeback drama in silver screen after 12 years which his last one was All About Eve in 2000.
Nie la my feveret scene... huhuuu...
Score: 9/10... Kalo ada Jang Don-gun, smer I bg high score.. huhuuu...
Aku sgt sukeeee drama nie, for me this is d best drama utk thn 2012 -cipau